Mod Haus

In 2016, Prop HHH was passed which allocated $1.2 billion ¹ to fund 10,000 Permanent Supportive Housing and Affordable Housing projects². Since it was passed, only 1 new project has been built, with 21 other projects currently under construction. It is anticipated that the final number of units will be around 8,000, which is 2,000 fewer than promised³. Meanwhile, the homeless population grows rapidly, so more urgent action is needed. We desperately need to save time and materials in order to abate the extremely high rates at which the homeless population is growing in Los Angeles. Modular construction methods can cut construction times 20-50% due to parallel construction methods⁴. This proposal uses modular units that are 3D-printed on-site and connected to create different sized apartments. The modules are round because it requires less material than a rectilinear building with the same square footage and the round walls make it better resistant to weather conditions such as wind and floods.

Unit Composition

Studio Apt.

One module.

1-Bedroom Apt.

Two modules.

2 Bedroom Apt.

Three modules.


¹ Woetzel, Ward, Peloquin, Kling, and Arora. Affordable Housing in Los Angeles: Delivering more and doing it faster. McKinsey Global Institute, 2019. pg 11
² Los Angeles City Council and Mayor. City of Los Angeles Proposition HHH Permanent Supportive Housing Program Regulation, Policies, and Procedures 2018-19, 2019. pg 1
³ The Times Editorial Board. Editorial: You can’t see results yet, but L.A.’s HHH homeless housing is being built. Los Angeles Times, 2019.
⁴Bertram, Fuchs, Mischke, Palter, Strube, Woetzel. Modular construction: From projects to products. McKinsey Global Institute, 2019. pg 11